I am not tame, 2016

Trailer for 7 minute video loop (HD)

Original Score by Ryan Francis
Assistant  Editor  Caio Sorrentino

Ringside, 2013 

DV video montage, 6:38min loop 
displayed above: 1 channel of a 2-channel video 

I've Been Everywhere, 2010

Music by Sunny and the Cowgirls

Comic humor, extreme exaggeration and a focus on popular culture have been integral to my work since the early 1990s'. “I’ve Been Everywhere” evolved from my Creative Capital project "Cowgirl Legend: Let ‘er Buck", a series of inflatable cowgirl sculptures. 

Anticipating the potential of these moveable monuments I animated them as gigantic puppets creating a music video. 
The inflatable cowgirl’s dream of a legendary life—is realized.

All Stories are True, 2009

clip from 5:35 min video 
DV Surround sound

It starts as a dance. The bull and the cowboy move together beginning to spin and roll. Slowly and then faster the dance becomes a trance, each participant wants something different. The cowboy, like Icarus wants to fly. His fate is always the same. Momentarily suspended, he seems in control of the wild for brief moments of time –before falling to earth. The seconds of being weightless expand…. Falling is predestined. The bull always escapes.

Glide, 2011

3 channel video
synchronized iceskating team

Jan”s Last Ride, 2007

5 min single track DV video

In 2005 I was in Fort Worth, Texas doing research at the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame and Museum. A Women’s Professional Rodeo event was taking place in the ring next to the museum. Never attending a rodeo I didn’t know what to expect, so I went. I captured on video the last bucking bronco ride of rodeo champion Jan Youren’s 47 year career. She rodeoed until the age of 63, when she retired with five world championships in bareback bronc riding, thirteen reserve championships in bareback, and fifteen reserve championships in bull riding. I couldn’t believe someone who was sixty-three would be riding in such a physically hair-raising way.

Breathless, 1999

5 min single track DV video
Sound track by Judy Dunaway