Nancy Davidson receives the 2015 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
The grant supports the publication of Nancy Davidson Cowgirl, published by Daylight Books.
November 24, 2023
Source or Omphalos, 2023, Installation View. Photo Credit: Therri Gourjon
Contributed by Fintan Boyle / A sense of serious satire has pervaded Nancy Davidson’s work for years, and it is on prominent display in her show “Braids Eggs and Legs: A Wandering,” installed in two large galleries at Catskill Art Space alongside Matt Nolen’s work. Davidson has long been a fan of morselized language and sundered bodies, which in theory would make her work fertile ground for the psychoanalytically inclined. Yet here she elides the sexual menace and violence that, say, Melanie Klein offers. Instead, she wanders, as her title announces.